Monday, December 1, 2014

Literature Review 5

Long, L. D. (2012). Unchallenged, professed core values: Do undergraduate fraternity/sorority members actually benefit in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and friendship? College Student Affairs Journal, 30(2), 15-30.

This article is about the idea the fraternities and sororities enhance the areas of scholarship, leadership, and friendship. The author thought Greek Life didn't play an important role in enhancing these areas but further research disproved the authors ideas. Research proves that if you were in a fraternity or sorority you have better scholarship, leadership, and friendship skills than non greek members do. Greek Life promotes these three things at very high levels so it is not surprising that Greek members excel in these areas because that is what Greek Life taught them. This article is a perfect source of information i can use for my research paper. 

Leadership- the action of leading a group of people or organization 

Service- the action of helping or doing work for someone 

"Much of the research on the academic success of fraternities and sororities was conducted at single institutions"

"Black fraternal organizations might serve as a significant leadership development opportunity for African American students"

"Limited research has explored the social integration of students who join a fraternal organization" 

Overall, this article will help me write my research paper because of the information that is provided. It has great research on how leadership and friendship skills are improved by joining a frat or sorority. You benefit so much out of joining greek life and this article backs it up. Greek life gives u interpersonal skills that you will use and need later on in life. The author does a great job at showing the research he gathered and backing it up. 

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